Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Ski Skate Week and a New Story!


Happy Ski Skate Week!  Up in the mountains we have Ski Skate Week!  Ski Skate Week is a whole week off so you can enjoy the fun winter activities you like to do before the snow melts away!  Most people may not have Ski Skate Week, or it may be called something else, where their isn't snow. For those of you who have the week off, Happy Ski Skate Week (or whatever you call it).  I hope everyone has a great week whether you're on break or not!

I have some very exciting news!  I started a new story!  My new story is called A Mysterious Garden.  So far, I am enjoying this story soooo much!  I can just picture everything happening, and I think it's so exciting!  You may notice that I posted three chapters.  When I started writing this story, I wanted to just keep adding on, so I ended up writing three chapters!  If you're a writer, you've probably had that feeling before of getting lost in your own story.  As you have probably noticed, most of my chapters are pretty short.  These chapters are kinda the same, short.  The first chapter is really short, but keep reading on!  To me, a chapter is when a writer decides that part of the story is finished, so they start a new part of the story. It's sorta like a phrase.  You write the phrase and it's finished, so then you write a new one.  Chapters can be short or long, the writer decides.  That is what I think a chapter is.  What do you think a chapter is?  Feel free to say whatever you want!  It's your belief, it's your opinion.  Even if it's the opposite of how I described it.  Enjoy my story, and please go check it out!  Here's the link: A Mysterious Garden.


  1. I love your blog Lindsay!! Your header and button are so cute. :) Good luck on the story!! I love writing stories.


    1. Aww, thank you so much! My sister from Blog Designs By Grace ( designed my blog! I really like my design! It's so cool you write stories too!


    2. Yes, me and my best friend Piper ( write them together. :) So, I left a comment on your sister's blog asking her about the code. :) I'll let you know when I get the box all organized!! I've wanted to get one, but I never knew how. :P Thanks!!


  2. I read Piper's blog too! I'm glad that you'll be able to get a code box now!

